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Our Before/After School Club

Our before and after school club (Care Bears) is a school-run, term-time provision that supports our families to balance work and family commitments, whilst offering secure and fun activities for the children outside of school hours.

Breakfast club

Starts at 7:45am.  A light breakfast of cereal or bagel is provided.

All children from Reception to Year 4 must be supervised up to the club entrance and handed over to a member of staff.

We charge £3.50 for our breakfast club session.

To enquire about booking a space at Care Bears, please contact


After School Club

After school club is available until 6.00pm. 

There are various activities for children to take part in, both outdoors and indoors, and they are offered a light snack and a drink.


Session £
3.20pm-4.30pm 3.50
3.20pm-5.30pm 7.00
3.20pm-6.00pm 8.75


Contacting Care Bears (after 4pm)

The school office is unmanned after 4pm.  If you need to speak to a member of the Care Bears staff, please call 07746 370992