School Uniform
Our compulsory uniform is:
- A red and green tie (available to purchase from the school office and the uniform shop)
- A plain white cotton polyester blouse/shirt (without a logo - these can be purchased at any outlet including supermarkets)
- Grey skirt/trousers (these can be purchased at any outlet, including supermarkets)
- A green cardigan/”V” necked pullover embroidered with the school name (these can be purchased from the uniform shop or a selection of pre-loved jumpers/cardigans may be available at the school office).
- Green, grey or white plain socks/tights (these can be purchased at any outlet, including supermarkets)
- Plain dark “proper” shoes (not trainers, please)
Optional summer wear:
- Bottle-green and white check/striped dress (these can be purchased at any outlet, including supermarkets)
- Short grey trousers (these can be purchased at any outlet, including supermarkets)
- Appropriate sandals (please avoid slip-on sandals)
Please ensure that all clothing and sports equipment is labelled clearly with your child's name.
PE Kit :
Plain black shorts and a plain white t-shirt are required for PE, along with suitable trainers/plimsolls. When the colder weather approaches, children may bring in tracksuit bottoms to wear, which again will need to be black. These items ideally need to be stored in a PE bag, with all the items clearly name labelled (this can also be purchased at any outlet including supermarkets). We encourage PE kit to be kept in school Monday to Friday.
Jewellery is not permitted except for one stud only in each ear. A watch can be worn, but the school does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage. Watches must not have access to a camera or the internet.
Nail varnish should not be worn, and we do not allow children to artificially change the colour of their hair in line with extreme fashions. Neither do we allow inappropriate hair adornments nor shaving designs in the hair.
Uniform can be purchased from:
Riviera Schooldays, 186 Union Street, Torquay, Devon, TQ2 5QP
Telephone 01803 293650
Our school helps families by having regular sales of pre-loved uniforms. It's a great way to get good quality uniforms without spending a lot. Plus, you can always find a selection of pre-loved uniform at the school office whenever you need them. This way, we're supporting each other and being eco-friendly too.