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School Trips and Residentials

School trips form an important part of the Sherwell Valley Curriculum. We believe in providing children with as many opportunities and first-hand experiences as we can. We have a rich local area that offers endless opportunities for children to explore and learn outside the classroom. 

In addition to various day trips, which are organised to support teaching and learning, we also run residential trips for children in years 3, 4, 5 & 6.

Our residential trips support the learning that the children do in class and enhance our curriculum offer. We encourage our children to take part in our residential activities, but understand that some children may not yet feel comfortable or ready to spend nights away from home. Children who remain in school on these occasions take part in a creative curriculum to ensure they still experience a range of different opportunities. 

Our residential offer includes visits to: 

  • Pixie's Holt Outdoor Learning Centre, Dartmoor for 2 nights
  • Beam House Activity Centre, Bideford for 2 nights
  • Ashbury Manor Resort, Okehampton for 4 nights 
  • London for 2 nights

For more information about the trips and to enquire about any funding, please email

The relevant staff will invite you to a meeting providing you with important information about each residential trip.

children playing a table top game at a residentialchild learning archerychildren playing in a big muddy pond in full waterproofschild on a zipline