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At Sherwell Valley, we ensure that our curriculum is inclusive, allowing all children to participate and make progress in a range of sports, not just those deemed as traditional. 

Our PE Curriculum is :

  • Broad, exposing children to a wide variety of sports and encouraging them to try new things. 
  • Exciting, so that engagement is high and the children are resilient to sporting challenges. 
  • Encouraging our pupils to be active and to take responsibility for this in their wider school life. 
  • Progressive with skill development, independence and collaboration. 
  • Built on developing positive attitudes where our children demonstrate respect towards all others. 

We make our curriculum inclusive by ensuring it develops skills and knowledge and also exposes our children to a wide variety of activities. These include:

  • Gymnastics
  • Dance
  • Invasion games
  • Net/wall games
  • Striking/ fielding games
  • An alternative / modern sport
  • Athletics
  • Outdoor & Adventurous activities
  • Fitness 
  • Swimming (Year 4)

Our curriculum encourages and educates our children about the importance of an active and healthy lifestyle, which recognises the social and mental health benefits. Key knowledge of how to support children by preparing and recovering from exercise is shared, along with the importance of hydration and rest.